Our Successes
The Rural Learning Association is an intergenerational charity that has presented at the Bank of Montreal, the Economic Club of Canada, York University and the Conscious Economics Podcast.
Our mandate is to provide accessible climate education and connect individuals, communities and organizations together to provide greater awareness surrounding social and environmental issues through research, teaching and action. In the last 3 years, we have hired over 10 youth using the Canada Summer Jobs grant, supported placement, internship and cooperative education students, and have partnered with York University on solar energy experiential learning projects and work integrated learning scholarship programs to directly support over 700 students on climate solutions.
Furthermore, we have supported climate monitoring, food security and artistic media projects and programs for Queer Collective, the Beausoleil First Nations, Serpent River First Nations, the Toronto Black Farmers and Food Growers Collective, the Legacy Project, and Conscious Economics.
Today, we are striving to improve ecological and food literacy for Canadians everywhere, and to empower youth towards climate action that improves the quality of rural and urban life.